Wednesday 23 February 2011

Filming 16/02/11

We had planned to film the beginning of our chick flick during the lunch hour on Wednesday 16th March. After checking the weather forecast beforehand, we were pleased to see it would be a bright day, as we thought it would be more appropriate for chick flick not to begin looking dull and dreary. 
Luckily, the forecast was correct and we had no problem there. We had already done spme practice shots with our main actress Harriet Baylore who plays Cally and so began straight away, with the help of Axel. Also, we rounded up some girl of different years to be extras in the fim and a group of Sixth Formers who would take a dislike to Cally.

Although the filming went well, we didnt quite have time to finish and so will plan to our shots with Mrs Winter (Who will play the headmisstress) when we get back from half term. We also need to shoot a few more close-ups of Cally, as close-ups are very common in chick flicks. Apart from this we have most of our shots and so can soon move on to editing!

1 comment:

  1. You did a great day's work that Wednesday, Kayleigh - well done. I guess as a group you learned that filming groups of people takes time and planning, and in the 'real' world a film company would probably allocate more than a day to what you managed in a lunchtime!
